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This page contains links to informative documents (such as manuals and protocols) which provide details of how Ireland has implemented its data collection programme – it should be read in conjunction with our Data Collection Framework (DCF) work-plan which can be found on the EU Joint Research Centre Data Collection Framework (DCF) website  The documents are grouped into thematic data collection types. 


Data Management – Quality Management Framework (DM-QMF) 

The Marine Institute has a Data Management Quality Management Framework (DM-QMF) which guides its data management – this has been accredited by the UNESCO International Oceanographic Commission's IODE (International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange) programme.  These documents describe the overall DM-QMF and provide examples of the templates it uses.  


Demersal On-Shore 

Species specific catch and biological data is collected during port sampling events at a processing facility or fisheries cooperative.  See for more information.  These documents relate to the Demersal On-Shore sampling scheme: 


Demersal at-sea 

Data is collected during at-sea observer trips on board demersal fishing vessels.  See for more information.  These documents relate to the Demersal at-sea / Demersal at-sea Enhanced sampling schemes: 


Pelagic On-shore 

Multiple data sets are collected during a port sampling event, in a processing facility, fisheries cooperative or port laboratory.  See for more information.  These documents relate to the Pelagic at-sea Enhanced / Herring / Tuna / Others sampling schemes: 


Pelagic at-sea 

Data is collected during at-sea observer trips on board pelagic fishing vessels.  See for more information.  These documents relate to the Pelagic On-Shore Enhanced / Herring / Tuna / Norwegian Spring Spawning Herring / Sprat / Others sampling schemes: 



Nephrops data including biological parameters and count data is collected during port sampling events and at-sea observer trips.  These documents relate to the Nephrops on-shore and Nephrops at-sea sampling schemes: 


Crustacea / Mollusca 

Data relating to catch being landed at ports or processing facilities include species identification, volume of landings and morphometric measurements. Data is collected during at-sea observer trips on board fishing vessels.  These documents relate to the Crustacea at-sea / Crustacea on-shore / Mollusca on-shore sampling schemes: 



These documents relate to the diadromous sampling schemes 



For more details on the wide range of surveys carried out by the Marine Institute, please see   

These documents relate to surveys: 


Economic Data Collection and Analysis